Sims 4 wicked woohoo children
Sims 4 wicked woohoo children

Sims 4 wicked woohoo children

Thankfully, there's still a lot of beautiful options out there, and Savvy Sweet is one of the most talented creators of ethnic hair.

Sims 4 wicked woohoo children

The Sims 4 team is getting better at adding ethnic hairs to the games, but for a long time, fans had to rely solely on CC-creators to make ethnic hair styles.By Zaza00, Jin Request & Find - The Sims 4. Request & Find - The Sims 4 Toys for Sims Sign in to follow this.The placement is static- it won't change with the sim's face mesh, so it might work better on some sims than others. Pacifier Conversion to Adult and Teen This is a Pacifier mesh by dyokabb at SimsThings, resized and recategorized for adults and teens. Simmers will be able to download the sims 4 custom content created by simmerkate The Sims 4 CC.

Sims 4 wicked woohoo children